- How far along? Fourteen Weeks, I made it to the second semester. Woohoo!
- Baby Size? Size of a Lemon
- Total weight gain? 3lbs, really packed it on this week
- Maternity clothes? I tried on my fat jeans yesterday and they would barely button. I think I will have to start using the rubber band trick. So scary to not be in control of your pant size anymore.
- Stretch Marks? I haven't grown enough to see any yet.
- Best moment this week? We found out the sex of the babe today along with our Panorama results. The results were perfect. All negatives and low risk for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and eight other syndromes. I also turned the big Three Oh! Big changes. We will be sharing the sex of the babe soon.
- Miss anything? Working out, I haven't been able to work out due to my nausea but I really miss it. Plus, having a little bit of a difficult time with losing control over the weight management of my body.
- Food cravings? Grilled cheese and tomato sandwich's. Delish!
- Babe Movement? Not yet, but this week baby is sucking its thumb and wiggling its toes.
- Food aversions? It's hard to find food that sounds appetizing but I can't name a specific aversion this week.
- Gender? We know and will be sharing soon!
- Labor signs? Not yet, but looking into prenatal classes.
- Symptoms? Stronger nails, bleeding gums, fatigue, nausea, and gas. Lots of it, but its the baby not me.
- Sleep? Love sleeping with Murphy my body pillow but the hubby has started to steal him away at night for cuddle seshes. Excuse me...what is going on?! Still waking up to use the restroom, and waking up super early to eat and then go back to bed. The babe wakes me up around 6am starving.
- Belly button in or out? In.
- Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band on, engagement ring off.
- Happy or moody? Feeling super happy this week. All is well!
- Looking forward to? Heading to my hometown this Saturday where I will be telling all my family and friends. I am so excited to drop the bomb.
My 48 hours of feeling good were very short lived. Unfortunately, I ended up in the hospital yesterday after a bout of non stop nausea and vomiting. I could no longer hold a sip of water down or a bite of a cracker. After spending days curled up on the bathroom floor I felt something needed to be done. I called the hubby and asked him to take me to the hospital. He called my doctor to update her with my situation and she said that my nausea and vomiting is perfectly normal but that I was probably dehydrated and needed an IV. I still don't understand how this could be normal but she was exactly right. They ran multiple test and all came out great. We even got a new photo of the babe at 13.2 weeks and all is perfect! However, I was dehydrated so they pumped me full of fluids and I immediately felt better. They also injected my IV with an anti-nausea medicine and something to help coat my stomach. I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks. However, I was also given a very bland restricted diet for the next couple days. I am limited to baby food, chicken noodle soup, and a select variety of fruits and vegetables but the skin must be peeled and they must be cooked. No greasy or fried foods and no sauces, spices, or sugar. I am also drinking lots of HydroPlus, which is an adult Pedialyte. I am 13 weeks 3 days today, so I was told that the nausea should slowly be easing off in the next week or so. Let's hope thats true because I don't want to end up back in the hospital, although they were extremely friendly and nurturing, they even brought me homemade chicken noodle soup and hot tea to see if I could hold it down after my IV. I was also given Klopra and told to take it for the next ten days. I am not big on taking pills. I never even take a Tylenol for a headache. I'm more of a natural remedy kinda gal so when I was given the Klopra I immediately did research online to find out the use, side effects, etc. I found out it is the drug given to cancer patients after chemotherapy to help ease the nausea. I also read in bold letters that it is not safe for expectant mothers because they do not know the outcome of the unborn child if taken and it has a strong side effect of Parkinson like symptoms. This was very alarming, however this is a common drug given to pregnant women everywhere to ease the nausea which I don't quite understand. I refuse to take it because I would rather have a healthy baby and endure the pain. Look at that, I am already acting like a mom.
Last day before heading back to Bogota and the fatigue has really hit me after a fun but exhausting week touring Cartagena and Medellin with our friends.
At Ten Weeks my Bump and I are taking it easy. Feeling amazing now that the nausea has subsided and really getting to enjoy our time away. Thinking this has a lot to due with the decreased altitude here in Medellin. Oh and I thought I would mention, due to the increased hormones, your skin tends to burn much easier. So layer up ladies!