- How far along? Thirteen Weeks
- Baby Size? Size of a Peach and weighs half a pound.
- Total weight gain? Again, I lost 2lbs this week from the constant pukies. I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight but my bump is definitely much bigger. You can actually see it in the pic this week.
- Maternity clothes? My clothes are fitting just fine this week but I have a feeling after my nausea is gone for good I will be making up for the weight loss.
- Stretch Marks? No visible signs yet.
- Best moment this week? Surprisingly, going to the hospital is my best moment. It was so nice to get some relief from the nausea for the first time in weeks.
- Miss anything? Energy...can I have it back please?! I can't wait to feel normal again.
- Food cravings? Chicken noodle soup has been a major craving this week. I feel like it helps to settle my stomach. I don't like the chicken necessarily but I crave the salty, tasty, broth.
- Babe Movement? No movement but it loves to remind me its in there by the constant nausea. Fun Fact: This week the babe forms vocal chords and teeth.
- Food aversions? None and all at the same time (it's complicated), but I have a very limited diet this week so pretty much sticking to lots of liquids to stay hydrated.
- Gender? I definitely think its going to be a girl but will be happy either way as long as its healthy.
- Labor signs? I can barely get passed the first trimester sickies much less think about labor pains. I'm Officially Scared!
- Symptoms? Constant horrible nausea, vomiting, morning sickness...whatever you want to call it and fatigue. I am always feeling so sick that I haven't had a chance to notice other symptoms. Oh but I did notice I don't have to shave my legs as often. Hair grows much slower than normal. Weird!
- Sleep? I am supposed to only sleep on my side which is very difficult for me. I am normally a stomach sleeper, so I wake up throughout the night and find myself laying on my back and have to turn to my side because the ladies are getting pretty big and sore. It hurts to roll over on my stomach when I sleep and it's awkward to sleep on my side but I'm trying.
- Belly button in or out? In.
- Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band on, engagement ring off.
- Happy or moody? Neither, too sick to be either happy or moody.
- Looking forward to? This weeks doc appointment. I love seeing the babe moving all around. It helps get me through the symptoms.