- How far along? Thirty Seven Weeks, FULL TERM! I made it! and all the babes crucial functions are fully developed now. The next couple weeks are just about the babe layering on fat and getting stronger and healthier.
- Baby Size? As big as a Winter Melon, I don't really understand these fruit comparisons.
- Total weight gain? 24 lbs total, but the baby is putting on half a pound a week. Doc says the babe is weighing in around 6.6lbs.
- Maternity clothes? Love my maternity yoga pants
- Stretch Marks? None
- Best moment this week? I had my final class with my birthing coach where we practiced pushing and breathing. I am feeling very prepared now. The next time I see her I will be in labor. I also had my 37 week doctor appointment and I am 1cm dialated so the doc is thinking no more than 12 days until we meet our lil goose. We met with my anesthesiologist and pre registered and she told me everything I can expect. We are ready to go. And the great news is the hospital is no longer under construction. It was completed last week. Whew! Now it's just waiting on her arrival.
- Miss anything? Doing everyday normal things with ease, such as tying my shoes or shaving my legs. This is really the first week that these tasks have become really difficult.
- Food cravings? I actually had a craving this week. Milk! I hate milk and was craving it after dinner one night. I have been drinking a glass before bed every night this week. I think cravings are just your bodies way of telling you that you are lacking some sort of vitamin, mineral, fat. I think my body/babe needs calcium because milk has never tasted so good.
- Babe Movement? Lots of babe movement for now. I heard that when the movement starts to subside then you are about to go into labor. Its the babies way of reserving energy for the the long descent. Apparently this is one similarity that all moms reported before labor began. Decreased movement a day before.
- Food aversions? None, loving all food right now.
- Gender? Sophie Rose Velez
- Labor signs? Contractions, menstrual cramping, lower backache, and sore lady parts which is weird but I think its from so much pressure going on down there.
- Symptoms? Same as above, plus achey sore hips. It hurts to lay on my side too long when I am sleeping so I toss back and forth all night.
- Sleep? Inconsistent but sleeping more than normal which I am loving. Everyone says to sleep as much as possible before the babe arrives because you will never get that much sleep again. For the rest of your life.
- Belly button in or out? Innie
- Wedding rings on or off? Same as last week, no more rings. I put them away in the safe because I don't want them to get cut off if I sporadically turn into a blowfish one day and go into labor.
- Happy or moody? Very Happy
- Looking forward to? This babes arrival.